Typing tutor automatically adjusts lessons to match any skill level.
Easily monitor and document progress with our Typing Test materials or yours.
KeyBoarding in the classroom
Focus on keyboarding, not secretarial typing. Teach communication skills at any grade level, from students with special needs to adults. Easily monitor and document progress, using your own testing materials or ours. All tests are presented and scored automatically.
Corporate computer training
Bring anyone up to speed on computers quickly and easily with personal lessons matched to individual skills. Improve efficiency across your network. Document performance with computer-based testing. You can easily customize our Typing Tester section by including your own documents for training and evaluation that's specific to your industry.
The personal typing tutor that improves your writing
Personal lessons get you up to speed fast. Email and documents flow easily because you express ideas without effort. Errors vanish and your efficiency soars. The Ainsworth Keyboard Trainer is designed specifically to make all your keyboard-based software easier to use.
Hands ON! - Correct typing - automatically
Adaptive Lessons - Introducing personal software
Prescription Drills - Write as fast and as well as you think
Personal Lessons - Lessons teach FASTER and more easily
Type-OH! Games - Typing at the speed of thought
Typing to write - Two bonus programs improve your writing skills
Typing Tester - Two types of tests measure keyboard performance
Reports - Evaluating and documenting progress
Number Keypad - Learning the ten-key number keypad